News & Notices
Our district publishes all public notices in the local paper and here on the site. Other general announcements may be posted on the website and our community bulletin board, as appropriate.
Scroll down to the bottom of the page for the most recent dispatched Incidents
The Dire Shortage of Volunteer Firefighters in the U.S.
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Tenmile Rural Fire District Responds to brush & grass fire; State Highway 42 & Kingsway Lane
Tenmile, Oregon – July 13 , 2024
On Saturday, July 13, 2024, at approximately 10:26 am Tenmile Rural Fire District was dispatched to reports of a vegetation fire in Camas Valley near Upper Camas road. Updated information placed the fire along Highway 42 near Kingsway Lane. Tenmile brush unit 2080 arrived on scene at 42 & Kingsway Lane to find an approximately 3/4 acre fire moving at a moderate to quick rate of speed through the grass and timber up the hillslide and along the highway. A second alarm response was requested by first arriving Tenmile Fire units.

Tenmile Fire assumed Incident Command of the fire and began developing a plan of attack and incoming resource assignments in addition to fire attack. LEVEL 3 - GO! Evacuations were issued for all residences on Kingsway Lane in coordination with Douglas County Sheriff's Office. SAR was placed on standby and ODOT was requested for traffic control. As more units from Tenmile, Camas Valley, and Lookinglass Fire Districts arrived, an aggressive offensive attack was initiated with control lines and fire suppression. A unified Command was established with Douglas Forest Protective Association as thier units began to arrive. The forward spread of the fire was stopped at 11:16am. The evacuation orders were eventually dropped to level 2 and once the fire was deemed under control the orders were cancelled. Structural fire departments were on the scene assisting with fire extniguishment and establishing control lines until 1:30PM. The scene was fully turned over to DFPA for mop-up and monitoring of the fire at that time as structural resources went available and returned to their districts. Tenmile Fire kept a water tender on scene to assist DFPA with water supply into the late afternoon. Oregon State Police and Coos Forest Protective Association also assisted with this Incident breifly.
- Location: Highway 42 and Kingsway lane near MP 59, Camas Valley, Oregon.
- Time of Dispatch: 1028 hours.
- Response Time: Tenmile Fire arrived on the scene in approx 7 minutes from dispatch.
- Fire Suppression: Initial supression efforts made by Tenmile and Camas Valley brush engines. Collaberative fire control efforts took place between multiple agencies listed above.
- Minimal Wildland Spread: Thanks to their rapid intervention, the fire was controlled and contained to just under 1.5 acres with no damage to structures and no injuries.
- Investigation: Authorities have classified the fire as human caused, exact cause under investigation by DFPA.
- Management Team:
- Incident Command-Captain Shipp, Tenmile Fire & Assistant Forester McNeil, DFPA;
- Operations- Asst Chief Fox, Lookingglass Fire;
- Fire Advisor-Chief Henderson, Tenmile Fire
The Tenmile Rural Fire District remains committed to protecting lives, property, and the environment.
If you have any information related to this incident, please contact the Tenmile Rural Fire District at (541) 679 1882. For emergencies, always dial 911.

