Headquarters & Apparatus Fleet
The Tenmile RFD main station located on Reston Road serves as the district headquarters. Built in the mid 1990's replacing a single bay garage, this station consists of a training room, small office, an EMS room, an inventory of supplies and equipment, along with maintenance tools & equipment needed for operations and light station and vehicle maintenance. The main station houses five vehicles (apparatus) and the assorted equipment housed on each vehicle.


The chief/mobile command vehicle is an indispensable instrument used for incident response and for controlling and mastering difficult operational situations in a manageable and organized fashion. It is used for the transport of command materials, handling of radio transmissions to dispatch and ground units. Equipped with front and rear radios, command/accountability board, maps and documentation, MDC, medical gear, lights, SCBA, and other tools.

Engine 2030 is the districts primary type 1 structural fire apparatus and housed at Reston station. It is equipped with a 1250 GPM pump and holds 1000 gallons of water. It seats up to five personnel. Large side compartments allows for a number of tools and equipment. Some of the equipment carried on this vehicle includes SCBA packs, air monitoring equipment, RIT crew equipment, light towers, generator, ventilation fan, salvage covers, foam, saws, an assortment of hose, ladders, and a number of power tools.
2060 is a Tender. A firefighting apparatus that specializes in the transport of water from a water source to a fire scene. Carries some firefighting equipment and a one- or two-man crew. On board tank capacity of 3,000 gallons with 500GPM pump and drafting capabilities. It also carries a 2500 gallon porta tank for quick water dumps, a trash pump for water drafting from natural sources, and miscellaneous hose & appliances.
2080 is an initial attack wildland engine with a 400-gallon water tank and foam. Seats 4 personnel. 1st out vehicle for reports of brush/grass fires and second out MVA. Equipped with two hose reels, front deck gun, medium size hose and small diameter forestry hose. Carries forestry hand and power tools, assortment of nozzles & adapters, drip torch, saws, two SCBA’s and other equipment.

2070 is a specialized vehicle used in technical rescue operations and emergency medical calls. It is the first out vehicle for motor vehicle accidents, water, and rope rescue calls. Also initial response to most medical calls. Seats two personnel. Does not carry water or suppression equipment. Carries extrication equipment and gear, vehicle stabilization equipment, ropes & harnesses, SCBA, medical bags, backboards, stokes basket, etc.